La epilepsia y los accidentes de Trafico

La epilepsia con la presentación imprevisible de las crisis y su frecuencia en la población general es un factor es un factor que se encuentra implicado en los accidentes de tráfico. En un estudio publicado por el servicio de urgencias de Madrid ( SUMMA 112) se encuentra que la epilepsia y la depresión son las don condiciones médicas que se aprecian con una frecuencia detectable entre los accidentes de tráfico analizados en los años 2006 y 2007. Esta frecuencia no es comparable ni de lejos a la imlicacion de factores no médicos en los accidentes de tráfico, especialmente la conducta imprudente y la conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol. peru su detección ilustra la importancia de considerar en el tratamiento de los pacientes epilépticos esta cuestión. El código de conducir reconoce en que condiciones puede ser expedido el carnet a los pacientes con epilepsia y las guías de epilepsia del grupo de epilepsia actualizan la actitud ante cada una las situaciones que sepresentan,

Incidence of different health factors and their influence on traffic accidents in the province of Madrid, Spain. Kanaan A, Huertas P, Santiago A, Sánchez JA, Martínez P. Emergency Medical Service of Madrid (SUMMA 112), C/Antracita 2 bis, 28045 Madrid, Spain. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2009 Mar 6

Most traffic accidents occur as a result of human dependent risk factors. The approach in this study focuses especially on health factors, which could have direct influence on these accidents. METHOD: A sample of 5430 and 2857 clinical histories were selected systematically from the total cases attended by the Emergency Service of the Community of Madrid (SUMMA 112) in 2006 and 2007. The cases of traffic accidents were studied. Statistical analyses of the correlation of the casualty accidents rate, mainly drivers’ involved ones and the incidence of major risk factors was made. RESULTS: Traffic accidents occur more frequently among male drivers aged between 15 and 44. When males and females are considered, the rate of traffic accidents was higher for the age group 25-34 in 2006 and for the age group 15-24 in 2007. Coming off the road is the most frequent type of accident: 24.6% and 27.8%, respectively. During weekends, the rate of accidents represents approximately half that produced during weekdays. Fatigue or insufficient sleep was admitted in 3.2% in 2006 of the total of casualty accident victims. Among drivers’ involved accidents, asthma and high blood pressure were each noted in 6.6% in 2006, epilepsy and depression were each detected in 2.8% in 2007. Abuse of alcohol and cocaine were noted in 10.6% and 4% of drivers’ involved accidents in 2006. In 2007, drivers’ abuse of alcohol and drugs was detected in 5.6% and 3.7%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Traffic accidents, especially coming off the road type, are more frequent among young adults and during weekends. Also, there is risky behaviour involved, such as driving under the influence of alcohol, abuse of drugs or having insufficient sleep or certain diseases.