Randomized Controlled Trials of Antiepileptic Drugs for the Treatment of Post-stroke Seizures: a Systematic Review with Network Meta-analysis

Stroke is a frequent cause of epilepsy in the adult and elderly population [1], accounting for 11% of all epilepsy and 55% of newly diagnosed seizures among older people [2]. However, the proportion of all incident cases of epilepsy attributable to stroke can be as high as 14-21% [3]. Based on the different risk of seizure recurrence, poststroke seizures are divided into early (within 7 days of stroke) and late (after 7 days of stroke) [4]. The overall incidence of early poststroke seizures (including seizures after ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke) varies approximately between 3.2 and 6.3% [5], and that of poststroke epilepsy from 1.3 to 14.1%.